Included in the types of Narcotics are:

Papaver plants, raw opium, ripe opium (opium, jicing, jicingko), medicinal opium, morphine, cocaine, ekgonina, cannabis plants, and cannabis resin.
Salts and derivatives of morphine and cocaine, and mixtures and preparations containing the above substances.
Drug addiction can be defined as a condition that encourages a person to consume illegal drugs repeatedly or continuously. If he does not do it he feels addicted (sakau) which causes uncomfortable feelings and even feelings of great pain in the body.

Psychotropics are substances or drugs, both natural and synthetic, not narcotics, which have psychoactive properties through selective effects on the central nervous system that cause changes in mental and physical activity and behavior (Law No. 5/1997). Substances that include psychotropics include:

Sedatine (BK Pills), Rohypnol, Magadon, Valium, Mandarax, Amphetamine, Fensiclidine, Metaqualone, Metifenidat, Phenobarbital, Flunitrazepam, Ecstasy, Methamphetamine, LSD (Lycergic Eyebrow Diethylamide), etc. Other dangerous addictive substances are natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic materials that can be used as a substitute for morphine or cocaine which can interfere with the central nervous system, such as:
Alcohol containing ethyl ethanol, inhaled / sniffing (solvent) in the form of organic substances (carbon) which produces the same effect as that produced by alcoholic beverages or anesthetic drugs if the aroma is inhaled. Example: glue/adhesive, acetone, ether, etc.
Types of Drugs according to their effects

From the effects, drugs can be divided into three:

Depressants, which suppress the central nervous system and reduce the body’s functional activities so that the user feels calm, it can even make the user sleep and become unconscious. When overdosing can lead to death. Types of depressant drugs include opioids, and various derivatives such as morphine and heroin. A popular example now is Putaw.
Stimulants, stimulate bodily functions and increase arousal and awareness. Type of stimulant: Caffeine, Cocaine, Amphetamine. Examples that are now often used are methamphetamine and Ecstasy.
Hallucinogens, the main effect is to change the power of perception or cause hallucinations. Hallucinogens mostly come from plants such as mescaline from cacti and psilocybin from mushrooms. In addition, there are also those that are mixed in the laboratory such as LSD.

Drug abuse is caused by a number of factors, including the following::

Lack of Self Control

People who try to abuse drugs usually have little knowledge about drugs, the dangers they pose, and the laws that prohibit drug abuse.

Unstable Individual/Emotional Conflict

People who experience conflict will experience frustration. Individuals who are not used to solving problems tend to use drugs because they think wrongly that the anxiety caused by individual conflicts can be reduced by taking drugs.

Accustomed to Happy / Luxurious Life

People who are accustomed to living in luxury often try to avoid more complicated problems. Usually they prefer to solve problems instantly, practically, or require a short time so they will choose simple ways that can provide pleasure through drug abuse that can give a sense of excessive euphoria.

Social environment

Motive of curiosity: in adolescence, it is common for a person to have curiosity and then want to try it. for example by getting to know narcotics, psychotropics or liquor or other dangerous substances.

There is an opportunity: because parents are busy with their respective activities, maybe because of a lack of affection from the family or because of a broken home.

Facilities and infrastructure: because parents provide excessive facilities and excessive money, it is a trigger to misuse the money to buy narcotics to satisfy their curiosity.


Low self-esteem: feelings of inferiority in the association in society or in school, work, etc., they overcome these problems by abusing narcotics, psychotropics or liquor which is done to cover their shortcomings so that they get what they want such as being more active and brave.

Emotional and mental: At this time they usually want to be free from all the rules of their parents. And finally as a place of escape, namely by using narcotics, psychotropics and other liquor. A person’s mental weakness will be more easily influenced by negative actions which eventually lead to the use of narcotics, psychotropic substances and other alcoholic beverages.

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